Navigate – Commissions

When approaching Culture Junction to design and deliver a community focused project we will ask the following questions:

●        Which community are you looking to engage with?

●        Why is this the community you wish to connect with?

●        What is your desired outcome for both the community, and you?

We will listen, take note and interrogate the possibilities and approaches we can develop. From here we will identify a route map for a bespoke community engagement project that meets your needs but allows for the desires of the community to be reflected in the work.

Culture Junction works hard to never presume that we know the needs of any community before meeting with them and talking directly to them. The content of the arts activity will then be shaped to reflect this.

Every Culture Junction project will be overseen and managed by the Project Leads (Karen, Kat and/or Fraser) and we have a large pool of highly skilled and respected artists from various disciplines to call upon to deliver the best quality of project.

Navigate – Communities

Culture Junction aims to ensure that time-limited projects do not feel like any one person or organisation 'parachuting in’ and leaving as this way of working can have an adverse effect on community trust.

We build trust and relationships with communities and maintain communications with them to make sure they understand fully the parameters of our projects and the offer made to them. We always try to identify local organisations and support networks to signpost people to throughout and after a project.

To talk to Culture Junction about creating a project please contact